Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Ethical Artificial Intelligence Process

In recent years, artificial intelligence has emerged as one of the main empowering technologies used all over the world. Last year, global spending on artificial intelligence reached $100 billion, and it is expected to reach $15 trillion by 2030. These days, AI systems are outperforming humans in every discipline and excelling in many of them. As a result, it is expected that between 2022 and 2026, investments in AI systems will increase by 26.5% CGAR.

A recent research paper on “Explainable AI (XAI)” suggested the methodologies for data visualization and data interpretation in AI models has attracted increasing attention from business heads. Now the global entrepreneurial community is exploring its vision for “responsible AI” that has been thoroughly tested for “ethical AI practices” that are explainable to its clients.

Interestingly, most of the AI applications used are black-box in nature. Artificial intelligence models that give you a result or make a judgement without explaining or providing evidence of their reasoning are referred to as “black boxes.

Artificial intelligence models must be transparent and trustworthy.

Why should an investor trust the next successful cryptocurrency based on probabilistic machine learning analysis? Similar to this, why should a fight promoter trust a decision tree model flow chart that reveals the next pound-for-pound fighter on the UFC roster? And why, instead of relying on his knowledge and competence, should a medical professional believe in an AI-generated report that a patient has cancer that is terminal?

Here, transparency and explainability are required from the artificial intelligence models when tons of money are at stake and human lives are on the line.

What is Explainable AI (XAI)

A group of methods and approaches known as ‘Explainable Artificial Intelligence’ (XAI) makes it possible for human users to comprehend and accept the output and results generated by AI algorithms. A company must first build trust and confidence before implementing AI models. With the help of AI explainability, a business may approach AI development responsibly.

How to decode the Blackbox models

Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME)

It is a tough task to explain a deep neural network or a complex ML model. The methods of using local approximations with a simple and understandable surrogate function can aid in explaining the predictions of complex models. 

LIME can be used to explain any black-box model without having access to the model’s internal workings, making it “model-agnostic.” LIME is also “interpretable” since it develops a straightforward, understandable model to simulate the behavior of the complex model in a particular area of the feature space. In applications including image classification, natural language processing, and recommendation systems, LIME is a common technique for giving AI explanations.

Prediction Difference Analysis (PDA)

Prediction Difference Analysis (PDA) is an approach for deep visualization of hidden layers in the deep neural network. With this analysis, we can understand how the units of the layers influence the nodes of the layers. PDA is conditional sampling, which leads to results that are more refined in the sense that they concentrate more around the object.

The layer propagation strategy and the SPRAY approach are two additional noteworthy and dependable methods that can find patterns in the data throughout the training of deep neural networks and have the capacity to present visual explanations like heatmaps.

These XAI techniques can give textual and visual explanations of the predictions made by AI systems.

XAI in Ethical Artificial Intelligence process

The ethical artificial intelligence approach lays forth the guiding ideals that ought to be adhered to during all stages of the development of AI systems.

Two such fundamental principles are transparency and accountability. The core philosophy behind Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is to build AI systems that are accountable for their decisions and show transparency in their decision-making abilities.

Check out this article: Generative AI: Scope, Risks, and Future Potential.

Few use cases of explainable AI with ethical AI practices in well-known sectors

Artificial intelligence is being used in a variety of applications, ranging from robotics in large industrial businesses to humanness operations in the defense sector. All these industries demand the design and development of AI systems that are transparent, accountable and trustworthy.

Pharma Industry

Drug development is costly, time-consuming, and has a low likelihood of receiving FDA clearance. Explainable AI (XAI) supports the pharmaceutical industry’s “drug reposting methodologies” by describing the behavioral patterns of patient clusters generated by AI algorithms.

HealthCare Industry

When XAI is used in healthcare, the “principles of biomedical ethics” must be followed from early disease detection to smart disease detection. Metrics that are used while evaluating the model’s explainability are critical, along with decision-making metrics.


XAI principles can be used in insurance pricing, claims administration, and underwriting procedures. The main XAI approach employed within the insurance value chain is identified as simplification techniques known as “information distillation’ and ‘rule extraction’. 

What makes XAI challenging?

There are several factors that make the incorporation of XAI challenging for the ethical AI process, including:

Trade-off between accuracy and interpretability

more accurate models may occasionally be less interpretable, whereas more interpretable models may occasionally trade off some accuracy. Finding a balance between accuracy and interpretability can be challenging.

Lack of transparency

Several AI models are “black boxes,” offering little to no information on how they make decisions. The decision-making process of the model may be challenging to comprehend and justify due to this lack of openness.

Legal and ethical concerns

It may be necessary to defend an AI model’s decision in some situations, such as those involving loan or employment applications.  If the model cannot be communicated, fulfilling legal or ethical obligations may be difficult.

By now, it is understood that the tunes on Explainable AI have the hardest riffs to play.


In conclusion, the development of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is crucial for ensuring that it adheres to critical ethical AI fundamentals like trust, reliability, and accountability.

With the increasing use of AI in various fields, such as healthcare, finance, and transportation, explainability becomes even more critical to ensure ethical, legal, and social implications. While the development of explainable AI poses many challenges, it is an active area of research and development in the AI community. As we continue to advance AI technologies, we must also prioritize the development of explainable AI to ensure that AI serves us in the best possible ways.

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Author: Kavitha V Amara
Kavitha V. Amara is a seasoned marketing and communications leader with over a decade of experience spanning digital, ISVs, healthcare, and banking sectors. Known for her innovative approach, she crafts tailored digital marketing strategies that drive measurable results. An expert in leveraging technology and analytics, Kavitha excels in enhancing brand visibility and fostering growth. She spearheads marketing transformation at Indium Software, aligning sales strategies and amplifying brand presence as Lead of Marketing & Communication.