iot-testing-page Archives - Indium Make Technology Work Thu, 02 May 2024 04:43:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 iot-testing-page Archives - Indium 32 32 Internet of Things in the Automotive Industry Mon, 27 Mar 2023 07:45:23 +0000 The automobile industry is one of the largest manufacturing industries globally, producing around 80 million units annually in 2021. With a global turnover of 2.86 trillion dollars in the same year, it is expected to reach 3 trillion dollars by the end of 2022. However, the annual sales in the automotive sector have remained fixed

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The automobile industry is one of the largest manufacturing industries globally, producing around 80 million units annually in 2021. With a global turnover of 2.86 trillion dollars in the same year, it is expected to reach 3 trillion dollars by the end of 2022. However, the annual sales in the automotive sector have remained fixed between 75 to 80 million units over the past six years. One of the reasons for this stagnation is the lack of innovative features in vehicles.

Consumers today look for futuristic technology made products that they can connect to and interact with, rather than just a car with four wheels and a steering wheel. Next-generation vehicles are being built by the automotive industry with the help of the Internet of Things (IoT). Worldwide car manufacturers and buyers now have new opportunities thanks to its introduction. IoT in the automotive sector has significantly impacted the global auto market and has emerged as a key component in cutting-edge applications ranging from automated transportation systems to connected cars.

What is the Internet of Things?

In simple words, Internet of Things refers to the interconnectivity of thousands of devices like actuators, sensors, gateways, and platforms. These devices connect and interact with each other over wired/wireless networks.

IoT is very powerful technology, and it has been estimated that there will be more than 21 billion connected devices by the end of the year 2025. Most of the IoT implementation was first seen in manufacturing companies where systems like ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) were implemented to reduce production costs.

However, it should be noted that the Internet of Things offers countless opportunities and has a wide range of uses, including the automotive sector. The way people interact with their vehicles is being revolutionised by various automotive IoT applications. Let us now see a few of the amazing things that IoT offers for the automotive industry.

Also read: Enhance Efficiency in Manufacturing and Production with IoT & Advanced Analytics

Major applications in the Automotive Sector:

1. Fleet Management

Fleet management has undergone a significant development as a result of IoT implementation in the automotive industry. In modern trucks, sensors for tyre pressure, engine temperature, and other factors are integrated. The sensors can weigh and count the packages inside the vehicle and can also track its location.

All the sensory data from the large fleet of trucks is gathered and sent to the cloud, where it is processed by various analytics and displayed in an easily understandable visual format for the user. This information can be quickly reviewed by the fleet manager or operator, who can also monitor several fleet-related parameters. An IoT-integrated fleet management system can benefit a fleet manager in a number of ways, including:

  • Real-time location monitoring of each individual truck in the fleet
  • Weight or Volume monitoring of the cargo being transported.
  • Vehicle performance statistics like fuel efficiency and speed
  • Vehicle health statistics
  • Route-management
  • Planned routes to avoid heavy traffic conditions on the route.
  • Time and Driver Management
  • Driving pattern of each driver (Driving pattern data of skilled drivers can be collected and fed to regression algorithms which will help autonomous cars to learn to drive better)

2. Connected Cars

Over 30 million connected cars were sold in the year 2020 and it is estimated that more than half of the cars sold new in 2023 would be connected. These cars are equipped with CV2X (cellular vehicle to everything) IoT technology that connects vehicles and smart transport systems with each other.

Connected cars transmit data at a much faster rate to different objects based on which CV2X can be categorised as below:

  1. Vehicle to vehicle (V2V):  In a V2V-Connection, vehicles that are close to one another (within a certain range) are connected to one another and exchange data. The shared data typically consists of details about the location, speed, and size of the vehicle. It is simple for vehicles to help the driver because every connected vehicle in a given area is connected and has knowledge of vehicles close by. It should also give emergency vehicles a better route and reduce accidents.
  1. Vehicle to infrastructure (V2I): This V2I connection refers to the connection between different vehicles and road infrastructures. By infrastructure, we refer to streetlights, road width, traffic lights, lane markings, and toll booths. When these infrastructures are connected, this connection gives the vehicle a better understanding of the nearby infrastructure, which in turn allows the vehicle to better assist the driver. V2I also provides smoother traffic flow.
  1. Vehicle to pedestrians (V2P):  Nowadays, most pedestrians have smartphones, making it possible to connect a pedestrian to the CV2X network. This aids in locating pedestrians so that the vehicle can avoid them. An app can be used by a pedestrian to find nearby taxis and track the anticipated arrival time for transit. Additionally, it can be used to alter traffic lights so that you can cross a road.
  1. Vehicle to network (V2N):  The weather forecast office and the transportation system can both connect to the network to alert drivers to changes in the weather or to any on-road accidents. Additionally, a car can be linked to a smartphone. In this manner, the car’s music system and GPS can be controlled by voice commands while the driver is on the road.

3. Automotive Maintenance System

Predictive analytics is one of the most interesting features of IoT in the automotive sector, as it will save a ton of cost and time for the vehicle manufacturer and the buyer. Different sensors are embedded in different components of a car which collect data and share it with a platform. This data is then processed by an algorithm that can analyze and predict the future state of the component based on its current usage pattern.

A person can use an IoT automotive maintenance system to help them take the necessary precautions to stop a car from breaking down unexpectedly. By UI notification, message, or email, this system notifies the driver of potential malfunctions. It’s interesting to note that the driver receives the alert before the fault is discovered. The driver can fix the issue and avoid vehicle breakdowns on important journeys thanks to this forecast. The driver will also have saved time and money by avoiding a major failure.

Both a fleet of vehicles and a single vehicle can use predictive maintenance’s capabilities. Monitoring and managing a defect in their vehicles before it manifests is extremely beneficial for transport and logistics companies.

Let us see a few predictive maintenance algorithms.

  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Neural Network
  • Decision trees
  • Naive Bayes models

4. Autonomous Vehicles

One of the most crucial technologies for auto manufacturers to master is autonomous driving. Many automakers are working to create a fully autonomous vehicle that will take over all aspects of driving from the driver. Tesla is at the cutting edge of this technology and offers autonomous driving on all of its models.

However, a number of other manufacturers have already introduced semi-autonomous vehicles that help drivers with some aspects of driving, braking, parking, and lane changing. IoT-integrated semi-autonomous cars help the driver by partially controlling the vehicle operation to reduce accidents and enhance the driving experience. For instance, the hill climb assist feature enables the driver to move the car quickly and easily from a stopped position while standing on an incline. This is made possible by sensors that recognise the angle at which the car has stopped and temporarily apply the brakes so that the driver can press the accelerator.

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The automotive industry is experiencing a significant transformation through the integration of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT).  This evolution has led to the development of connected and automated cars, revolutionizing the way car inspection and maintenance are carried out and introducing novel forms of entertainment. The advent of vehicular telematics has facilitated long-range data transmission, which has been instrumental in the emergence of IoT-powered fleet management systems.

As IoT technology continues to advance, its applications in the automotive industry are increasing steadily, and it is expected that more sophisticated applications will emerge, fundamentally transforming the way we interact with our vehicles.

The post Internet of Things in the Automotive Industry appeared first on Indium.

IoT Testing Challenges and Solutions: Overcoming the Unique Obstacles of IoT Testing Wed, 08 Mar 2023 05:42:37 +0000 The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to usher in a new era of connectivity and digital innovation, transforming the way we interact with the world around us. According to Statista, the number of IoT-connected devices will grow past 21 billion by 2026 and 29 billion by 2030. With a projected 29 billion IoT-connected devices

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to usher in a new era of connectivity and digital innovation, transforming the way we interact with the world around us. According to Statista, the number of IoT-connected devices will grow past 21 billion by 2026 and 29 billion by 2030. With a projected 29 billion IoT-connected devices by 2030, the sector is a hotbed of innovation and opportunity. However, with great potential comes great challenges, and the IoT sector is no exception.

One of the biggest challenges facing the IoT industry is the need to recall faulty devices, which can cost companies billions of dollars in lost revenue and reputation. To avoid this, it’s crucial to conduct thorough and extensive IoT testing to ensure that devices are ready to operate in the market. But testing IoT devices is easier said than done. Due to the complex nature of IoT systems and their interactions with various devices, networks, and cloud services, testing IoT devices poses unique challenges.

In this article, we’ll explore the top 5 IoT testing challenges and their corresponding solutions, to help you release market-ready IoT devices. From interoperability issues to security concerns, we’ll delve into the complexities of IoT testing and provide practical solutions to overcome these challenges. With the right approach and a thorough understanding of the testing landscape, you can ensure that your IoT devices meet the highest standards of quality and reliability, setting the stage for success in the rapidly evolving world of IoT.

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Top 5 IoT Testing Challenges

1. Diverse Communication Protocols

In the world of IoT, communication is key. With a wide variety of devices communicating with one another and with central servers, ensuring that the communication protocols used are reliable and secure is of utmost importance. However, testing these protocols can be a major challenge for IoT testers.

IoT devices rely on various communication protocols to interact with controllers and other devices, such as Constrained Application Protocol (CAP), Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP), and Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT). These protocols play a crucial role in building a connection between servers and devices, enabling data exchange and enabling devices to perform their intended functions. However, testing these protocols is complex, as they must be tested under real-world conditions to ensure they function as intended. To overcome this challenge, IoT testers must employ a range of testing methods and tools to validate communication protocols, ensuring the reliability and security of the IoT devices they test.

2. Interoperability Issues

One of the biggest challenges in testing IoT devices is the wide variety of hardware and software configurations used by different manufacturers. In a smart home, for example, there may be countless combinations of hardware, software, operating systems, and firmware for IoT devices to be tested, leading to potential interoperability issues. Given the vast number of possible combinations, it’s difficult to test every scenario, making it challenging to ensure compatibility between devices. To overcome this challenge, IoT testers must employ a range of testing techniques, including the use of simulation tools and emulation environments, to validate the functionality and compatibility of IoT devices under various scenarios.

3. Device Diversity

Testing an IoT app is a complex challenge due to the wide variety of devices with varying shapes, screen sizes, and operating systems, each with unique hardware and software specifications. Ensuring that an IoT app runs seamlessly across all these devices and combinations is challenging because each device may have different requirements and capabilities.

Additionally, IoT devices often receive version updates, firmware updates, and software updates, making it difficult to test them effectively each time an update is made. This demands robust testing capabilities and a focus on continuously testing and validating IoT devices to ensure they function as intended.

4. Security Concerns

IoT devices are highly vulnerable to cyberattacks due to their lack of robust built-in security features. This makes them a prime target for hackers looking to exploit sensitive data collected and processed by these devices. The dynamic nature of security threats and the fact that most IoT device users believe it’s the manufacturers’ responsibility to secure the devices makes the situation even worse. Additionally, the wireless nature of these devices puts them at a higher risk than those connected via a wired system, making it even more critical to secure them against cyber threats.

To overcome these challenges, IoT testers must continuously develop new tools and techniques to effectively test and validate IoT devices and ensure that they remain secure from potential cyber threats.

Also Read : IoT and Fire Hazards: How Quality Testing Niche Govt Apps can Save Lives

5. NetworkConnectivity Problems

The performance of an IoT device is significantly impacted by network connectivity, which must be seamless, rapid, and consistent to ensure that the device operates effectively. However, this poses a significant challenge for IoT testers, given that various devices are connected to different networks that have varying levels of security and reliability.

Network configurations can also be unstable, and channels may be hindered, making it hard to test IoT devices in all possible network conditions. As a result, IoT testers must devise innovative techniques and tools to assess the device’s performance under different network conditions and ensure that it works effectively, regardless of the connectivity issues.

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Solutions to IoT Testing Challenges

What are the solutions to overcome these distinct challenges faced in IoT testing? Let’s explore the proposed solutions to each of the identified obstacles:

1. Test the Communication Protocols

Communication protocols are crucial to establishing a connection between servers and devices. Therefore, you can’t afford to ignore the diversity of communication protocols. You need to ensure that the technology or tools used by the IoT testing team support the key communication protocols used by various IoT devices. Also, IoT testers should use application programming interfaces (APIs) and protocols for automated tests. Note that the test design should depend on the protocols and APIs used.

2. Critically Test the IoT System’s Interoperability

The IoT automation team should perform a thorough investigation to determine the system’s interoperability. This will ensure various IoT devices can seamlessly work together. To do so, the testers can collect information from end users to assess the software versions and devices they are using. Doing so will help them identify the most common combinations. This allows them to select the most reasonable subset that can be effectively tested.

Evaluating the performance and behaviour of the IoT system under various hardware and software versions can be done by your team using simulation and emulation tools, as well.

3. Test the Device Compatibility of the IoT Device

You must comprehend the limitations and capabilities of IoT devices because they come in a variety of sizes and shapes in order to test them properly. As a result, you need a solid test approach to determine the device’s architecture and determine whether it depends on outside services. This is so that tests won’t always pass if a third-party service is changed. Continuous automated tests can aid in identifying changes to third-party services in this situation. Alternatively, use device simulation tools to test the performance of each IoT device under different scenarios.

4. Security Testing

Performing thorough security testing is crucial to ensuring the IoT system is protected. This will help prevent potential threats and cyberattacks. As an IoT tester, you should use strategies, such as vulnerability scanning and penetration testing, to identify and mitigate security risks in the system.

5. Test for Network Configuration Issues

To verify that IoT devices can interact with one another and the cloud without any issues, thoroughly evaluate the network settings. To ascertain how the IoT system will behave under various network configurations, use network simulation tools. By doing this, you’ll be prepared for any sudden changes in the network settings.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, IoT testing is a critical aspect of the development and deployment of IoT systems. It presents unique challenges that must be addressed to avoid severe consequences such as security breaches and product recalls. A comprehensive approach to testing that includes the use of appropriate tools, methodologies, and best practices is essential to ensure the reliability and security of IoT systems, as well as their ability to deliver the desired outcomes. As IoT systems continue to expand and evolve, the importance of thorough testing will only continue to grow. By embracing a comprehensive approach to IoT testing, organizations can confidently deliver high-quality IoT products that meet the needs of their customers and are safe for use in the market.

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IoT Security Testing: Exploring Techniques for Detecting Vulnerabilities and Ensuring the Security of IoT Devices Tue, 21 Feb 2023 12:38:25 +0000 The ability of Internet of Things (IoT) devices to improve the efficiency and convenience of our lives and processes has made them the talk of the town. To achieve their goals for digital transformation, an increasing number of businesses have adopted IoT in one form or another. However, there IoT devices have one major downside

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The ability of Internet of Things (IoT) devices to improve the efficiency and convenience of our lives and processes has made them the talk of the town. To achieve their goals for digital transformation, an increasing number of businesses have adopted IoT in one form or another. However, there IoT devices have one major downside – security vulnerabilities.  

According to CNBC, IoT devices are major entry points for many cyberattacks. Also, Microsoft’s Digital Defense Report 2022 listed IoT security as one of the key areas that have not been strengthened over time. As a result, this article comprehensively explores IoT security testing and techniques for detecting vulnerabilities to help you secure your IoT devices.

What is IoT Security Testing, and Why is it Important?

Before diving deeper into the security testing part, let’s start by introducing IoT. IoT is a network of devices and tools connected to the internet and can be managed remotely. They include smart devices, smart homes, and smart cities.

The internet to which these devices are connected is among the most insecure platforms because anyone can exploit vulnerabilities on your network to gain access to your data, modify it or steal it. To ensure this doesn’t happen, companies perform IoT security testing.

So, IoT security testing involves assessing your IoT devices and systems to identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited to access, modify, or control your data or network. It’s a crucial process because it helps you uncover potential vulnerabilities, which, when exploited, lead to a chain of risks, including:

  • Identity theft
  • Financial losses
  • Damage to your business reputation

Top 6 IoT Security Vulnerabilities

IoT devices are at constant risk due to various factors. These vulnerabilities include:

1. Insecure Network Services

It’s possible that the IoT device’s built-in/run on network services are insecure. The device is by default vulnerable to all internet threats because it can be accessed via the internet. Critical data may be exposed to the public network if the network services are not configured on the device in accordance with the best security practises.

2. Weak, Hard-Coded, or Guessable Passwords

You give hackers a chance to access your IoT systems when you use weak, hard-coded, or easily guessed passwords for your IoT devices. Once they have the right passwords, they can access and control your IoT devices without your permission. As a result, they have complete control over the IoT infrastructure and have the ability to steal data from your IoT devices.

3. Use of Outdated or Insecure Components

An outdated or insecure IoT device component poses a security risk. Hackers can use this component to access the device or the network. As a result, they can control the device, steal data and even access the internal network. Also, a cyber attacker can use this weak point to build a botnet, execute Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, and spread new malware all over your IoT-System.

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4. Insecure Update Mechanism

Software maintenance is key to securing your IoT devices because software is at the core of these devices. In most cases, IoT device security is compromised by using insecure third-party Software Development Kits (SDKs), code libraries, and bad code design. Even if you physically secure your IoT devices, if your software is compromised, attackers can still take over your device.

5. Insecure Ecosystem Interfaces

In the context of your software product, the term “ecosystem” refers to all third-party hardware, software, cloud-based services, networks, and interfaces. All of these ecosystem interfaces can be used by hackers to access and take over your devices.

6. Insecure Default Settings

The majority of Internet of Things (IoT) devices are built with unsafe default settings, and some forbid operators from changing them. Accessing your devices and gathering and controlling data will be made simpler for cyberattackers as a result.

Techniques for Detecting IoT Security Vulnerabilities

We occasionally learn about IoT security breaches, and the threat landscape for IoT has been expanding over time. IoT security testing is now essential for creating and deploying IoT applications and devices. The methods listed below are frequently used for testing and identifying IoT vulnerabilities.

1. Firmware Analysis

Software and firmware both perform similar tasks, but firmware is used in embedded applications or on devices that have a specific function. For instance, firmware controls devices like a heart monitor and smartphone router, each of which has a specific purpose. The IoT device’s firmware, which is essential to its functionality, can be abused by attackers to take over and access the device.

As part of firmware analysis, your firmware is extracted and examined for buffer overflows, backdoors, and other data breaches. By doing so, you can find any vulnerabilities and fix them before a malicious intrusion attempts to take advantage of them.

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2. IoT Penetration Testing

Security professionals examine the entire IoT ecosystem for security flaws as part of this approach to IoT security testing. Any vulnerabilities on your IoT devices are actively sought out and exploited by them. This IoT security testing method evaluates your devices’ defence against cyberattacks in the real world by simulating actual attacks.

3. Threat Modeling

Considering threats The approach to IoT security testing entails identifying the threat model and potential vulnerabilities of the IoT device. IoT threat modelling pinpoints and measures an IoT device’s security flaws. This security testing method is carried out during the design phase, which experts refer to as security by design.

For instance, a CCTV camera can be used to covertly watch people inside a building or within a certain radius. This device can be compromised either physically by a third party or by a hacker who gains access to the camera’s system and views the images it is recording.

Wrapping Up

More smart devices are now available thanks to the IoT’s rapid growth. It’s important to be aware of thesecurity flaws that come with these devices, despite the fact that they make our lives easier and more convenient.In this manner, we are able to safeguard these devices from unauthorised access, which could result in dire consequences like identity theft, financial losses,  and reputational damage. Always opt for thoroughly tested IoT devices, and make sure you take the necessary precautions to avoid the top 6 IoT vulnerabilities. Your IoT devices will be constantly secure if you take this action.

The post IoT Security Testing: Exploring Techniques for Detecting Vulnerabilities and Ensuring the Security of IoT Devices appeared first on Indium.
